Join us as David Bedford gives us some great stories from his book “The Fab 104”. Learn about Janice the Stripper, Arthur Pendleton and of course, the “Man with the flaming pie”.
The story of how the group went from being The Quarrymen to The Beatles runs a long and winding road through many different musicians and band members. During this time, they also provided backing for several singers and occasionally had guest musicians join them on stage. Also included in the list are important people who either taught them to play or had a direct influence on their performances. Each one of these one hundred and four people is included in the story. This is how The Beatles evolved from a group of friends playing skiffle music, calling themselves The Quarrymen (also spelled Quarry Men – there is no definitive way to spell it) to become the biggest band in the annals of popular music. The story begins in the summer of 1956 and takes you through to the end of 1962 when the final piece of the jigsaw, the addition of drummer Ringo Starr, saw The Fab Four completed.
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