Kunt and the Gang aka the Kunts and now aka the Krown Jewels are back. They have previously released some cracking poppy, punky tunes about our “illustrious leaders” including such classics as “Boris Johnson Is A Fucking Cunt”, “Boris Johnson Is Still A Fucking Cunt”, “Prince Andrew Is A Sweaty Nonce”, “Fuck Off Boris You Cunt”, “Fuck The Tories” and “Rishi Sunak Is A Rat Faced Cunt”. Every one of these songs (and all the seemingly endless remix versions) are stone-cold pop classics and I can’t understand why they haven’t all been to the top of the charts and have never been played on the radio, can you? Anyway, they are about to take another shot at the chart summit with a new song, “Scrap The Monarchy”. Marvelous lyrics, great hooks, and something to sing along to while you do your damndest to avoid the vile spectacle of the coronation on 6th May. The video below is, I think, an early version of the single which will be released on 5th May according to the Kunt and the Gang Twitter feed, on which they share what looks like an updated lyric video, click here to check that out. I love the lyric about King Charlie Tampon “He propagates the narrative, he’s a climate protester. But his best friend was Jimmy Savile, Britain’s foremost child molester” along with “and his brother Prince Andrew is a nonce case too”. They also mention the pegmeister himself, Prince William with lines such as “maybe we have pegged him wrong”. Get ready to download or stream this worthwhile, spiffing well needed tune on 5th May by clicking here. Oh and apologies if you are offended by nasty words and profanities there are a lot included in this post, a bit late for that warning I know. But maybe you should be even more offended by the obscene wealth and privilege of the Royal Family and that in a so-called modern world, the UK has an unelected head of state. Do everything you can to get “Scrap The Monarchy” to the top of the charts!

If you want to sing along here are the lyrics. Printed here without permission, is that ok with you Mr. Kunt?
What do they do? What do they do? What do they actually do?
What do they do? What do they do? What do they actually do?
What do they do? What do they do? What do they actually do?
What do they do? What do they do? What do they actually do?
[Verse 1]
The coronation seems a good occasion to discuss
Why does one family live in palaces, all subsidized by us
While folks rely on foodbanks, and we’re supposed to rejoice
As a crown is chauffeured round in a custom-made Rolls Royce
It’s time for this to stop, let’s give the royals the chop
Scrap the monarchy, scrap the monarchy
Their pampered lives are vile while people live in poverty
In inhumane conditions, while out-of-date traditions
Mean we all pay for the royals to live in luxury, so
Scrap the monarchy
[Verse 2]
King Charles’s fingers are so fat, swollen, sore, and red
From swans that he gets fed and things he does in bed
He propagates the narrative he’s a climate protester
But his best friend was Jimmy Saville, Britain’s foremost child molester
And his brother Prince Andrew, he’s a nonce-case too
Scrap the monarchy, scrap the monarchy
They turn a blind eye to their pedos like the BBC
They think they can pay for it all to go away
But covering up for nonces is their lasting legacy, so
Scrap the monarchy (Oi) Scrap the monarchy (Oi)
They stand for racist values and inequality
It’s time to have a vote, then stick them all in a small boat
And let them take their chances in some far flung colony
Scrap the monarchy
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