This Photographer’s Portraits Of Montreal Metro Stations Prove They’re Works Of Art (PHOTOS)
The next time you roll your eyes at a ralentissement de service over la ligne orange, use it as an opportunity to examine your surroundings. The Montreal metro system is a marvel of 20th-century design. This photo series by local photographer Lauriane Michaud (@l_michoo) proves it.
Michaud set out in November 2020 to take at least one interesting photo inside each of the network’s 68 stations. The result of her 15-month endeavor is an entrancing exploration of the soaring architectural lines, bold patterns and surprisingly intimate spaces that shape everyday life in the city. The metro has never been so spellbinding.
Outremont station on the Montreal metro.Lauriane Michaud
In October, Michaud compiled part of the series into a 50-copy zine she was selling for $20. It has since sold out, but she told MTL Blog she plans to sell a second volume in March 2023.
Outremont station on the Montreal metro.Lauriane Michaud
Two people embrace on a Montreal metro station platform.Lauriane Michaud
A platform inside Langelier station on the Montreal metro.Lauriane Michaud
A utility closet door inside Beaubien station on the Montreal metro.Lauriane Michaud
The mezzanine level inside a Montreal metro station.Lauriane Michaud
A person talks on a cellphone inside Place Saint-Henri station on the Montreal metro.Lauriane Michaud
Côte Sainte-Catherine station on the Montreal metro.Lauriane Michaud
A platform inside Plamondon station on the Montreal metro.Lauriane Michaud
Michaud told MTL Blog this photo of the Plamondon station platform is her favorite from the series.
Snowdon station on the Montreal metro.Lauriane Michaud
The mezzanine level in Peel station on the Montreal metro.Lauriane Michaud
De La Concorde metro station in Laval.Lauriane Michaud
The mezzanine level inside a Montreal metro station.Lauriane Michaud
Concrete beams on the ceiling of a Montreal metro station.Lauriane Michaud
Angrignon station on the Montreal metro.Lauriane Michaud
The entire series is visible on Michaud’s website.
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