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Zack Fowler – Thought About Me (2023)

Zack Fowler – Thought About Me (2023)

With a cheeky grin and raised eyebrows, singer-songwriter Zack Fowler hits you between the eyes with a powerful jolt – I don’t mean literally, but the shock of his pop-punk tunes can leave you in a breath-taking haze. Eye candy, no doubt, but it is his music that truly turns your head. From When The Horn Blows to Roadies Music, Sinusoidal Music, RGM, Illustrate Magazine and many more, UK-based Fowler is quickly garnering a following across the globe.

Tapping into his inner Sum 41 and Blink 182, Fowler’s music is filled with angsty electricity to a heart-pumping tune. Following his well-received single ‘2k’, ‘Thought About Me’ is a tribute to the best of 90s pop-punk with its bold blast of cathartic rage. Pounding drums match fiery guitars creating a hard-hitting whirl of music. Inserting synths in the background brings another dynamic to the single taking on old-school pop-punk with a contemporary twist.

As with previous material, Fowler’s songs are inspired by his experience with ADHD. Known as a rude kid he spent much of his youth being rejected, excluded and expelled from schools. Finally, after receiving the diagnosis of ADHD, he gained clarity about certain aspects of his personality that were misunderstood beforehand; and it all comes out in his aggressive melodies. ‘Thought About Me’ is a sharp tribute to people who feel rejected, misunderstood and need to stand up for themselves.

What I truly love about ‘Thought About Me’ is how it captures the theme and message in its fiery execution. Soothing but chaotic, sincere but aggressive, Fowler shares the complex, contrasting emotions we feel when dealing with complicated situations. It’s not easy, not simple and confusing; however, Fowler seems to lay everything bare in this fierce ball of organized madness.

For more from Zack Fowler, check out his official website, Facebook, TwitterInstagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator